Improve the Employee Experience

Ensuring that a restaurant has a strong and dedicated team of staff is essential to its success. To help restaurants understand how to engage and retain their employees, we have compiled a list of tips.

9 top tips to motivate restaurant staff

Having a reliable staff is vital for any restaurant to be successful. This article provides advice on how to maintain motivation and loyalty among restaurant employees, as some are struggling to do so.

  1. Communicate clearly: make sure your staff know what you expect from them, what their goals are and give honest, transparent feedback often.
  2. Recognise good work: reward kitchen and wait staff for their hard work and success with bonuses, gift cards or paid time off.
  3. Offer professional development: provide training and development opportunities to advance your employees careers.
  4. Empower employees: allow staff autonomy to make decisions and have ownership over their work.
  5. Better work-life balance: consider flexible scheduling and facilitate time-off when requested.
  6. Positive work culture: try to build an inclusive and welcoming work environment where every team member feels valued.
  7. Good pay rates: offer fair compensation and benefits that reflect the value of the work your restaurant employees provide.
  8. Show strong leadership: lead by example, answer questions and be willing to help when needed. Trusting your employees will make them feel valued and will in turn earn their loyalty.
  9. Listen to feedback: encourage open communication and listen to your employees' feedback. You might identify areas where you can improve and make changes that will boost employee satisfaction and motivation.

Beginning with these suggestions is beneficial, but sustaining employee motivation is an ongoing task that is never fully finished.

employee experience

Gen Z workers

Currently, many eateries are facing difficulty in hiring and appealing to Gen Z workers - those born from 1997 to 2012. It is important to remember that this generation is made up of individuals with varied views, needs, and goals; stereotyping must be avoided to ensure that each person is treated fairly.

To maximise your applications from this pool of workers, remember to offer what Gen Z wants in a job.

  • Flexibility: Gen Z values flexibility more than their predecessors. They’re likely to prefer remote work options and flexible hours.
  • Purposeful work: Gen Z is looking for jobs that align with their values and have a positive impact on society. They want to work for companies that are transparent and have a clear mission and purpose.
  • Professional development: Gen Z is looking for opportunities to learn and grow in their careers, they want to feel challenged and be given opportunities to take on new responsibilities.
  • Technology: comfortable with technology, Gen Z expects to use tech at work. They want to work for companies that use innovative technology to be more efficient.
  • Good work-life balance: Gen Z are looking for jobs that allow them to have a fulfilling personal life outside of their work.
  • Transparency: Gen Z wants to work for companies that are open about their operations, values and future plans. They expect regular and open communication from management.
  • Competitive compensation: Gen Z wants to be fairly compensated for their work, they are looking for jobs that offer competitive salaries, benefits and bonuses.
  • Employee engagement: Gen Z wants to be heard, valued and engaged in the company, they want to be able to share their ideas and make a difference.

It's worth noting that members of Gen Z, like every other person, are different.  So it's important to not stereotype and understand that they are individuals with unique perspectives, needs and aspirations.

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