Stealth Fries Skin-on

- Skin-on for extra taste
- Invisible coating
- Extended holding time
- Extra crispy bite
- More servings per kilogram
- Premium quality
- Naturally salted
Invisibly coated fries with long-lasting crispiness
With an extra crispy bite, and a beautiful golden glow this fry really is a very seductive one… A charismatic premium fry, that scores on length and flavour, texture and structure. Stealth Fries unchained a revolution in the coated fries industry, as their invisible layer results in visible enjoyment!
When your guests take a bite and burst through that first, crispy layer they’re surprised with a super indulgent, silky-smooth core that fills entire body of the fry. The combination of these qualities makes Stealth an appetizing choice, without even talking about their great taste.
The subtle saltiness of the raw potato really gets the pure and rich flavour out, which matches perfectly with almost every type of food. These lovely fries stand their ground, adding the right balance to a spicy dish just as easily as to a stew, a baked piece of fish or a fresh salad.
Stealth Fries are the premium solution for topping up your menu, perfecting your street food or serving a crackling treat to your guests! Looking to add great quality fries to a great quality dish? These are the fries to get. Served in or outside of the restaurant, with their long holding time they always deliver on a crispy experience!
Detailed info & specs
Preparation method
Nutritional info
Nutritional value per 100 g of frozen product
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You can request a sample of our delicious Stealth Fries Skin-on to try out for yourself. Start by providing us your basic contact information to request a sample.