In this article Ceren Orhan, Technical Quality Manager at Lamb Weston, shares the ins- and outs on topics such as the best oil temp for frying fries and efficient handling.

Fry Better, Cut Costs

Sustainable frying processes help your business reduce its environmental footprint, but also guarantees consistent, quality food. Ceren Orhan, Technical Quality Manager at Lamb Weston, knows exactly how valuable frying techniques can be for restaurants. She shares her knowledge and best practices to give you some extra peace of mind.

Frying oil is the key to success

Your oil is the most important part of the process, says Ceren: “Oil gives the fries their beautiful golden colour and crispy bite, but also contributes to the flavour and texture. Fried food is often stigmatised as being unhealthy, but when kitchens follow proper cooking guidelines, maintain their equipment, and choose the correct oils, they can serve up healthier plates and guarantee high-quality products.”

Common mistakes

Ceren often sees kitchens make the same mistakes: “Using the incorrect oil, wrong frying temperatures, or not allowing the oil to heat properly all interfere with quality, as does infrequent skimming or overfilling frying baskets.” Ceren points out that the temperature is key: “When the oil temperature is too low, products will soak up excess oil, resulting in soggy fries with an uneven texture, lower quality, and less plate coverage. Frying at excessively high temperatures dries out the food, reducing its weight and increasing oil penetration. The starch layer may seal too soon, preventing uniform cooking, leaving the product raw on the inside. And nobody likes soggy or cold food…”

Ceren recommends disposing of used oil properly: “Take your oil to a recycling point or contact a company that collects used oils in your area. It’s a whole lot better for the environment.”

6 Simple steps to great frying

There are many ways to fry your fries, but which one gets you the best results? With these six steps, you’ll always serve golden goodness!

  1. Fill the basket
    Don’t fill your basket above the oil, to avoid crumbs falling into the frying oil. Fill the basket to a maximum of half full.
  2. Start frying
    Start the frying cycle by using a timer. Oil temperature: 175˚C.
  3. Shake after
    Pull the basket out of the oil and after 30 seconds firmly shake it a few times before dropping it back in the oil.
  4. Continue frying
    Continue frying to the end of the frying cycle.
  5. Drain your fries
    Drain off the excess oil for 10 seconds.
  6. Serve
    Serve the fries on demand or drop them gently into the holding unit, to serve them out later!

Extra tips:

  • When frying smaller amounts, reduce your cooking time.
  • Don’t overfill for the best results.
  • Continue frying until your fries are a nice golden colour.

Looking for more tips like these? You’ll find the latest food trends, inspiration and expert advice in our Eat This! Magazine.


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